Legal Fundamentals

Legal Fundamentals

Activity 10b

Live music venues petition

1. ‘Fair Go 4 Live Music’ was formed in response to government liquor-licensing rules that required licensed venues playing live music to provide high levels of security. According to Fair Go 4 Live Music, these new rules made it too expensive for some small venues to operate, threatening Melbourne’s live music industry.

2.The group organised a petition to present to the Legislative Council over the concern that the new government liquor-licensing rules made it too expensive for some small venues to operate. The group was worried that the new rules would threaten Melbourne’s live music industry.

3. 8837 signatures were provided in support of the live music petition, however, almost 22,000 people actually signed the petition.

4. Not all the signatures of the live music petition were counted. About 1100 signatures were not counted because they either did not contain the full details of a person who signed the petition, or were on a sheet of paper that did not have the details of the petition written on it. Approximately 12,000 signatures were from an online petition.