Legal Fundamentals

Activity 10l

Evaluation of the ability of parliament and the courts to respond to the need for law reform 1. Student responses will vary according to the features selected. For example, if a student selects the power to effect reform as a feature, they might compare any of the following strengths and weaknesses of parliament to any […]

Activity 10k

The effectiveness of parliamentary committees and royalcommissions to influence law reform 1. The task word ‘discuss’ require students to consider both sides of something. In this case, ‘discussing’ the ability of either one parliamentary committee or one royal commission to influence law reformrequires students to write about factors related to how effective or ineffective the […]

Activity 10j

The effectiveness of the VLRC in influencing law reform 1. The task word ‘discuss’ require students to consider both sides of something. In this case, ‘discussing’ the Victorian Law Reform Commission’s ability to influence law reform requires students to write about factors related to how effective or ineffective the VLRCis. Responses will vary according to […]

Activity 10i

Migration Act changes 1. Interpreting the Migration Act in relation to refugee claims, the Minister for Immigration and Citizenship decided that a refugee could be returned to her or his home country unless it was “more likely than not” they would be killed. 2. The Full Court of the Federal Court abrogated the Minister for […]

Activity 10h

Mining lobby attack on WA Nationals leader 1. The mining lobby launched a media campaign against Brendon Grylls and the Colin Barnett Government, because Grylls had fronted a campaign to increase the fees charged to BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto on their two largest iron ore deposits in the state. 2. Grylls was arguing that […]

Activity 10g

The effectiveness of the courts 1. The task word ‘discuss’ require students to consider both sides of something. In this case, ‘discussing’ the use of the courts as a means by which individuals can influence law reform requires students to write about factors related to how effective or ineffective the use of the courts are. […]

Activity 10f

Anti-protest laws 1. The 2014 Tasmanian anti-protest legislation allowed for on-the-spot fines, bans and even jail time for offenders. It prohibited all protests that limited access to business premises or disrupted the conduct of business, singling out industries including forestry, agriculture and mining. 2. Mr Brown launched a High Court challenge on the basis of […]

Activity 10e

The effectiveness of demonstrations 1. The task word ‘discuss’ require students to consider both sides of something. In this case, ‘discussing’ the use of demonstrations as a means by which individuals can influence law reform requires students to write about factors related to how effective or ineffective demonstrations are. Responses will vary according to the […]

Activity 10d

Climate change/ carbon price rallies 1. Student responses will vary. However, students might point out that larger demonstrations are more likely to gain the attention of media, therefore reaching more voters and law-makers. Nevertheless, the effectiveness of demonstrations is limited as parliament cannot possibly hope to follow all viewpoints. 2. Factors that work in the […]

Activity 10c

The effectiveness of petitions 1. The task word ‘discuss’ require students to consider both sides of something. In this case, ‘discussing’ the use of petitions as a means by which individuals can influence law reform requires students to write about factors related to how effective or ineffective petitions are. Responses will vary according to the […]